HIV/AIDS disproportionately affects women and adolescent children due to vulnerabilities created by the social, economic and cultural inequalities.
Harmful traditional practices, intimate partner violence and unequal power dynamics between man and woman make women particularly more vulnerable to the HIV epidemic.
Care for HIV positive individuals/women and children includes a range of services apart from the medical treatment.
At WINS, we firmly believe that along with extensive HIV testing, sensitized counselling of HIV patients and proper access to ART treatment is crucial.

Key Areas
Psychosocial Care – The Psychosocial care helps HIV patients to cope with stigma and discrimination that they face on an everyday basis. HIV positive individuals inculcate a sense of self-awareness, patience and perseverance. Provide the necessary counselling services to help the patients deal with the emotional turmoil
Home Visits – When WINS staff started visiting the homes of HIV patients, it helped the patients gain confidence and courage to deal with the disease. It also reduced the fear of death amongst the patients. Many myths and misconceptions around HIV were sorted at the patient’s comfort without having to disclose their HIV status.
Nutrition Care – Home based care for immunity enhancement has been taught to the patients. Along with the allopathic medicines, knowledge about locally available herbs and plant based diet that assists immunity enhancement was shared with PLHA community
PLHA Forum – The People Living with HIV AIDS(PLHA) Forum helps women suffering from HIV to come together and gain strength to deal with vulnerabilities. Meetings and workshops in the PLHA Forum often result in increased levels of happiness and reduced fear of death
Foster Care – Orphan children are deprived of basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing. Our programs are centred around lobbying with government educational departments to ensure that children are shifted to safer spaces. In situations where the efforts didn’t yield positive results, WINS makes sure that children are shifted to hostels and that their educational and health needs are taken care of